史云斯华人基督教会 (又名斯旺西华人基督教会) - (SCCC) 最初成立于1970年。宗旨是传扬圣经所记载的基督教信仰和宣讲耶稣基督的福音,以侨居史云斯和南威尔士的华人为主要对象。现今,教会的成员已经超过70人。主日崇拜会以普通话,广东话,和英文同时进行。所以我们欢迎鼓励世界所有的人士来参加。史云斯华人基督教会并不属于任何一个基督教派。所以我们欢迎所有来自不同背景和教派的基督徒一同来参加我们的崇拜。
Swansea Chinese Christian Church (SCCC) was set up in 1970 to reach out to the Chinese population in Swansea. Today, the church has more than 70 members in our congregation. The Sunday Service is conducted in Mandarin, Cantonese and English with interpretation. Our church is aimed at both Chinese and non-Chinese so we welcome all to come and join us. SCCC does not belong to any particular denomination. Christians who worship with us come from different backgrounds and denominations.
Swansea Chinese Christian Church (SCCC) was set up in 1970 to reach out to the Chinese population in Swansea. Today, the church has more than 70 members in our congregation. The Sunday Service is conducted in Mandarin, Cantonese and English with interpretation. Our church is aimed at both Chinese and non-Chinese so we welcome all to come and join us. SCCC does not belong to any particular denomination. Christians who worship with us come from different backgrounds and denominations.
Contact us\联系我们
Tel.: 何美珍传道 (Pastor May Ho) on 07757372103
Email: sccc@swanseaccc.org.uk
Address: Swansea Chinese Christian Church, Willows Place, Swansea, SA1 6AA