Our Student Fellowship is called Unity Fellowship which is mainly for the students who come together to laugh, to eat and to share God’s words with each other. We are a group of Christians who want to support each other in many ways. More important is to come and know our purpose of life in God’s Plan. Our activities include outings, dining together, movie nights, worship nights and topical discussions. We also have inter-Fellowship activities with other churches. Please don’t come to Swansea just for a degree, but you deserve to receive more blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ!!
我們的學生團契又稱為合一團契,主要是一群學生聚在一起笑,吃,並彼此分享的神的話語。 我們是一群基督徒希望以多種方式相互支持。更重要的是來認識我們在上帝的計劃中的生命目的。我們的活動包括郊遊,一起吃飯,電影晚會,敬拜之夜和專題討論。我們也與其他教會的團契有交流活動。請不要單單來史雲斯拿一個學位,而且你應該得到我們的主耶穌基督賜予更多的祝福!
时间:每周五晚 7pm - 9pm
愿意参加我们学生查经班的请和我们的Geoff弟兄联系 sccc.studentfellowship@hotmail.com。
Contact us\联系我们
Tel.: 何美珍传道 (Pastor May Ho) on 07757372103
Email: sccc@swanseaccc.org.uk
Address: Swansea Chinese Christian Church, Willows Place, Swansea, SA1 6AA