11:00 中文班 – 分為大班、中班、小班;適合年齡5-12 歲的孩童參加,教材選用適合本地華裔使用的 "快樂漢語",幫助孩子們學習本國語言與文化,品格塑造,認識道理。
2:30 pm 兒童主日學 – 為年齡5-12 歲就讀小學的兒童而設,每週由主日學老師有系統地教導聖經,學習真理;讓孩子能從小認識神的話語,跟隨主的道路。
11:00 Chinese Class – divided into different classes based on age groups; suitable for children aged 5-12 years old, the teaching textbook used is “Happy Chinese” which is suitable for British-Born-Chinese children to learn and experience Chinese language and culture.
2:30 pm Sunday School – For children aged 5-12 years old, systematically guided by Sunday School teachers to learn the Word of God and follow Jesus from a young age.
Contact us\联系我们
Tel.: 何美珍传道 (Pastor May Ho) on 07757372103
Email: sccc@swanseaccc.org.uk
Address: Swansea Chinese Christian Church, Willows Place, Swansea, SA1 6AA